Monday, April 16, 2012

Delta Airlines safety video

The next time when you fly Delta Airlines and they show that onboard safety video, there will be a guy in that video furiously taking notes as the flight attendant explains the procedures. No, I'm not that guy- but when they cut to his "notes" in his sketchbook, those will be my drawings. These are just a few of those pages I did for that prop. There's also another bit where another passenger is so obsessed with taking notes during the take-off, he's literally surrounded by hundreds of Post-It notes in his cabin area. I did those couple of hundred notes too. They're filled with gibberish mathematical equations, quirky doodles, odd jumbles of my license plate, phone numbers, and whatever numbers struck me at that moment.

Now I'm not sure when this video will "air" but I just finished the job awhile ago. I have no idea how long it'll take to edit all of the footage and have it clear any legal hurdles but I'm personally kind of stoked that it'll be my artwork seen on every Delta flight soon.

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