Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photoshop inking

Just playing around with Photoshop and the Wacom tablet here. It's something I did freehand just to get more and more familiar with the brush sensitivity when it comes to a traditional inking look.


Heather Paske said...

Very convincing! Did you make a custom brush to get the effect or was it more about pressure?

Dave Chow Illustrations said...

Straight forward simple round brush with all sorts of twists & contortions of the stylus. One'a these days it'll be the step up to a Cintiq so I might as well get used to it now.

joeystudz said...

The Cintiq is awesome Dave, but whatever you do, don't forget about those sketchbooks. As a matter of fact, I better get back into one and keep up with the Joneses!!

Dave Chow Illustrations said...

I've actually had to slow down my sketchbook consumption a little bit. I bought out all of the ones the CCS Bookstore had and just about cleared out all of Dick Blick. I had to order more sketchbooks bulk this time around.