Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Working for WalMart

It had been a fair amount of drawings under the gun but I managed to pull it off. Not only did I end up drawing all of the frames for a handful of WalMart TV spots but I also had to design out the presentation. I had the opportunity to work with an old friend, Barry Meier and LeVar Burton (yes, THAT LeVar Burton!) of Red Orange USA. LeVar was great to work with because he could communicate really effectively the shots he wanted and Barry managed to keep all of this in order too. I ran into Red Orange's executive producer, Ed Krajewski earlier tonight and he said the shoot went well. Way cool! It always does my heart proud knowing that my boards got them through a shoot and the film's in the can.


Carolyn said...

nice job dave!

Al Z said...

Those look great!

LampshadeMan said...

Although I am not a big fan of Walmart I would buy something from them based off of these nice looking storyboards! And you know Levar Burton, sweet!!!